
The sustainability and the dissemination of the project’s results are guaranteed by multiplier events, planned during the entire QUASER’s lifetime.

National and international events will be organized with a wider audience external to the consortium – representatives of ASRs centers, migrants associations, VET providers, policy makers – with the aim to share and discuss the project outcomes, and to explore, together and by different point of views, the new strategies designed at national and European level on the Project topic.

Six QUASER Multiplier Events will be held in the Project countries between February 2018 and July 2019.

European Seminar

The European Seminar will be organized by the Greek partner, First Reception Service in Greece, on February 2018.
Participants at European level – including HEIs, Research Centers, ASRs centers, migrants associations, VET providers, Policy Makers – are expected to take part at the event aimed at promoting the QUASER Project.
The Seminar will offer the opportunity to discuss and collect feedback on the first Project results and to identify further stakeholders interested into be informed and involved in the following Project consultation and testing activities.

National Workshops

Four National Workshops will be held in all the partner countries – Sweden, Italy, Spain and Greece, on March 2019, with the aim to collect feedback and professional contributions on the Project products (the Toolkit and the Professional Qualification prototypes) from stakeholders, for their final fine-tuning and for supporting their visibility and transferability.

European Dissemination Conference

The European Dissemination Conference will be organized in Italy by CITTALIA at the end of the Project, on July 2019. The Conference, attended by several stakeholders – representatives of HEIs, Research Centers, ASRs centers, migrants associations, VET providers, experts of migrant policies and strategies, policy makers, etc. – will be aimed at informing and promoting the benefits of QUASER’s outcomes achieved during the three Project’s years, namely the Toolkit for facilitating the assessment of non-formal and informal learning and the professional qualification prototypes for ASRs operators.